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Lend Your Voice Through the Return to School 2020 Survey
There are many ways blended learning can operate, and we know every student and family has experienced remote learning differently. We want to hear from you about your preferences and concerns as we head into the 2020-2021 school year. We have created a short survey for both families and students—please take a moment to fill it out and share your thoughts by Monday, June 22. The survey is anonymous and should take about 7 minutes to complete. It’s available in 9 languages, and those without the ability to complete it online can do so by calling 311. Thank you in advance for taking the time to again give us your feedback: it will help us to better serve you.
Working together, we will build a strong, just, safe, and successful future for our schools and our City.
Take the Return to School 2020 Survey
All parents/guardians of students in grades 3-K through 12, and students in grades 6-12 are invited to take the survey.
The parent link is below:
The student link is below:
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