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June PTA Meeting and PTA Executive Board Elections Thursday, June 15th @ 6:30PM via zoom

Join us on Thursday, June 15th @ 6:30PM via zoom for the June PTA Meeting and 2023-2024 PTA Executive Board Meeting Elections.  Please register for meeting.  See zoom link below.

All PTA Executive Board positions are available and open to any parent/legal guardian.  You may nominate yourself or another parent/guardian.  Nominations will be taken from the floor.  All parents/legal guardians, teachers and staff are eligible to nominate and vote in the election.  See Executive Board responsibilities below.

* Denotes Mandatory Core Positions

*PTA President or Co-Presidents: The president or co-presidents shall preside at all meetings of the association and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. The president or co-presidents shall provide leadership for its members. The president or co-presidents shall appoint chairpersons of PTA committees with the approval of the Executive Board. The president or co-presidents shall delegate responsibilities to other PTA members and shall encourage meaningful participation in all parent and school activities. The president or designated co-president (see bylaws provision below) shall attend regular meetings of the region/district presidents' council and shall be a core member of the school leadership team. In the event that the association elects co-presidents, the remaining executive board members in consultation with the association will determine which co- president will serve as the core member on the school leadership team and which co-president will serve as the school's representative to the region/district presidents' council and for Community Education Council Representatives. The president or co-presidents shall meet regularly with the Executive Board members in accordance with these bylaws to plan the agendas for the general membership meetings. The president or co-presidents shall be one of the signatories on all checks. The president or either of the co-presidents or his/her designee shall represent the PTA on region/district committees. The president or co-presidents shall assist with the June transfer of PA or PTA records to the incoming Executive Board.

1st Vice President: Shall assist the president or co-presidents and shall assume the president's or co- presidents' duties in his/her or their absence or at the president's or co-presidents' request. The 1st Vice President shall be one of the signatories on all checks. The 1st Vice President shall assist with the June transfer of PA or PTA records to the incoming Executive Board.

2nd Vice President: Shall assist the president or co-presidents and shall assume the president's or Co- presidents' duties in his/her or their absence or at the president's or co-presidents' request. The 2nd Vice President shall be one of the signatories on all checks. The 2nd Vice-President shall assist with the June transfer of PA or PTA records to the incoming Executive Board.

*Recording Secretary: The recording secretary shall maintain the official record (minutes) of the proceedings and actions of all association meetings. The responsibilities shall include the preparation of notices, agendas, sign-in sheets and materials distributed. The recording secretary shall prepare and read the minutes of each association meeting and shall make copies of the minutes available upon request. He/she shall maintain custody of the association's records on school premises. The recording secretary shall sign and incorporate all amendments into the bylaws and shall ensure that signed copies of the PA or PTA bylaws with the latest amendments are on file in the principal's office. The secretary shall be responsible for reviewing, maintaining and responding to all correspondence addressed to the association. The recording shall automatically serve as the Community Education Council secretary representative. The recording secretary shall assist with the June transfer of all PA or PTA records to the incoming Executive Board. Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for reviewing, maintaining, and responding to all correspondence regarding the association. The corresponding secretary responsibilities include the preparation of notices, agendas, sign-in sheets and materials distributed.

Financial Secretary: The Financial Secretary is responsible for counting monies received by the association and for the direct bank deposits of all monies generated by the association. The Financial Secretary is responsible for maintaining copies of these deposits and assisting the Treasurer with the association's financial records. Financial Secretary shall collect all itemized bills, sales slips,etc. to give to the Treasurer for payment, Financial Secretary shall perform other duties as may be delegated by the Treasurer, President or Co-Presidents. The Financial Secretary shall assist the Treasurer with the June transfer of all PA or PTA records to the incoming Executive Board.

*Treasurer: The treasurer shall be responsible for all financial affairs and funds of the association. The treasurer shall also be responsible for maintaining an updated record of all income and expenditures on school premises and shall be one of the signatories on all checks. The treasurer shall adhere to and implement all financial procedures established by the association. The treasurer shall be prepared to present and provide copies of financial reports at all association meetings. The treasurer shall also prepare and provide the January 31st interim and June annual financial accounting reports. He/she shall make available all books or financial records for viewing by members upon request and for audit. The treasurer shall prepare all financial records and assist with the June transfer of all PA/PTA records to the incoming Executive Board.


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